For the first time all year YHC showed up 10 minutes early to a workout. Yes, BELIEVE IT!!! this may be the only time all year that will happen, but it did happen. There was one time maybe before that I pre-ran BY MYSELF!!! I dont know if anyone remembers that though BAHAHAHA!! As I arrived to the AO 10 minutes early, I seen Friar and Double D (Dan from Dallas, get it Double D, you pervs probably thought it was because of something else. He is from Fort Mill, SC ) standing with a FNG. JUSTIN TAMMELIN (NBA announcer voice) !!!! (foreshadowing here…he turns out to be Commando, His F3 name, not his current state of clothing). Then Everyone started rolling in. We even had Spokes and Rooney together!!!!




ATT/Hairy Rockettes





Mosey to the cinder blocks and OH NO!!!! There was only enough for everybody but me!! THAT IS THE ONLY REASON I DID NOT HAVE A CINDER BLOCK you PAX who were complaining like little girls!!!

We brought the cinder blocks to the bottom of the hill in front of the school and we did 15 IC, CURLS FOR SNIPS, and then we sprinted/ran up the hill. Then we did overhead press 15 IC. Sprinted up the hill and back down. Bent Over Rows – 15 IC, sprint up and down, 15 bench press – spring up and down, Twin was complaining the most about me having the bricks so I switched with him. So he had bricks and I had the block. It emasculated him a little. I felt good for doing it. Then we did another round but this time we bear crawled one 10 IC round of curls for Snips, sprinted up and down. Then we did one more set of 10 IC overhead press and took the blocks back to the pile without going up and down. We had to hurry up and get to the fun Part ULTIMATE FRISBEE!!!

For Ultimate Frisbee we did not do any exercise for change of possession because it slows the momentum of the game down. SOOOO we did 20 Merkins for the team that got scored on and 20 LBC for the team that scored.  All in All good game.

Mary was not at the AO for this workout we got the abs in the UF game


Isaiah 1:18

“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.


YHC was early

F3 Lenoir complains a lot

YHC got made fun of WAAAAY too much for having bricks. Pollo Loco will be bringing some more from his house.

Friar cant catch a frisbee, He will shine the next time we play!!!

Commando was either going to be named FREE BALL, COMMANDO, or BAGPIPES!! I am glad we chose Commando. It would be weird yelling HEY FREE BALL!! in Chick-fil-A. I would say that would be frowned upon in such a wonderful establishment

I get excited watching F3 Lenoir grow. Lets keep the FNG’s coming men. We can double in size if we put our minds to it.

All in All this was one of my favorite DEN’s so far. #gotstrongertogether






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