I showed up right on time this morning. 5:15 SHARP!! As I stumbled out of the car, PBR, SWINGER, and TWIN were waiting patiently for the pain to come.


Slumpee’s x 20 IC

ATT / Hairy Rockettes x 20 IC

Windmill x 20 IC

Helicopter x 20 IC

High Knees x 10 IC

SSH x 30 IC


Mosey to the closest parking lot across the street where Robin’s Nest Child Advocacy Center is. We had our cinder blocks with us. We started with doing an OVERHEAD PRESS at each line down the parking lot and when we reach the end we did 20 LBC’s, we then went back down the parking lot and did CURLS FOR SNIPS at each line and did 20 squats at the other end. We repeated this 3 times.

Then at the Last Prison Break I went to (many weeks ago) Baby Face did the BROKEN WHEELBARROW and I wanted to show the 2 people who werent at that Prison Break, how fun it is. PBR and I already knew the intense excitement it brought us. I let the guys know we would only wheelbarrow 4 lines. That was fun.

We then moseyed to the Stargate AO. This is where the magic happened. We did Partner DIPS AND MERKINS. Swinger and I were partners and we did the exercises the correct way. By correct way I mean as the Q said them. PBR and Twin were the other partners. We started off with DIPS while the other partner stood and held the feet. Twin had to plank because it looked a little homo. We then switched and the other partner did the same. Then the first round of MERKINS we both partners did it the correct way. Swinger was holding my legs and Twin was holding PBR’s and we were doing a 6 count cadence. On the fifth cadence as Twin is in between PBR’s legs, holding his ankles, while he does a Merkin. PBR quietly whispers “CLOSER” and that was it. We all busted out laughing. That was probably the funniest moment in F3 Lenoir history for me. If not #1 definitely top 5. It was hard to work out at all after that one but we persevered. IN PBR’s defense he was needing Matt to move closer so he could do the Merkin better. After the laughter subsided we did 1 more round of dips and merkins and then we went back to pick up the cinder blocks we left at the broken wheelbarrow parking lot. Then back to the AO.


Pretzel L & R

Weezy Jeffersons

American Hammers



1 Corinthians 6:18-20

For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body. Flee immorality. Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own.




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