QIC:  Band Camp

I’ve been out for a month nursing a hammy and lower back strain.  Not really interested in block work or burpees… but I need to get back on the horse.  ????


Mosey to Fellowship Christian on the corner. 

  • Sun salutation x5
  • Sun salutation
    • fold- step back to plank-
      • merkin x5
      • L Leg in to chest x5
      • L Leg out to side x5
      • Fold
      • Sun salutation
    • Repeat (w right leg)
  • Sun salutation
    • fold- step back to plank-
      • Rocking side planks x5 each side
      • Fold
      • Sun salutation
  • Sun salutation
    • fold- step back to plank-
      • Walking warrior 1-2-reverse-2-1….
      • switch to other leg
      • X5 total each leg/side
      • Sun salutatio
  • V sit up hold 8 x5
  • 6 in/scissors.  Hold 8 x5
  • Foot palm to foot palm sit-up (cobbler)
    • cobbler raises hold 8 x5
  • Spinal stretch x5 each leg
  • cobbler hammers x8 IC

Mosey back


525,600 minutes in a year.  Make them count.  We won’t get them all right all the time, but make more of them about Christ and serving than those that aren’t.  Moments slip away…be sure to notice them.

Prayers for mother in laws, flooding, volcanoes, …




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