QIC:  Audit

Must have been a combination of the Western Conference Finals game 7 and the fact that Spokes and Rooney just got back from a week long vacation at Disneyworld, but the PAX resembled the cast from the Walking Dead this morning. I’m not talking about Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon either… more like the zombie walkers that can only make grunting noises. Babyface wasn’t even his normal chipper self! #morePB

This is what went down…

SSH x 20 IC

ATT x 15 IC

Abe Vigodas x 15 IC

LAC x 20 IC

Reverse x 20 IC

Mosey to the parking lot behind the Stargate

Four corners: Start with 10 reps in the first corner. Run to 2nd, 10 more reps. Run to 3rd, 10 more. Run to fourth corner, 10 more. Run back to first corner. Series of four different exercises: Squats, Mountain Climbers, Lunges, Burpees

Mosey to the porta-john parking lot… no PAX elected to use the john (not even Goodwill!)

Merkin Ladder: Start with 10 merkin. Sprint other end of the parking lot. 9 merkin. Sprint back. 8 merkin. Continue decreasing merkin count down to 1 merkin.

Mosey to the parking lot across from Piccolo’s

Howling Monkeys: I think we are all familiar with this one

Mosey back to the A/O

Big boy sit-ups x 10 IC

Weezy Jefferson x 10 IC

LBC x 20 IC

American Hammers x 20 IC

Flutter Kicks x 25 IC


Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.” And Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord?” But the people thirsted there for water, and the people grumbled against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?” And he [Moses] called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the quarreling of the people of Israel, and because they tested the Lord b saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” – Exodus 17:2-3, 7

Like the children of Israel, we sometimes get caught up in grumbling and complaining. Complaining is a serious sin because it shows our lack of faith in God. When the children of Israel were thirsty, instead of trusting in the Lord to provide, like He had done time and time again, they tested the Lord by complaining to Moses. It is easy to get caught up in grumbling and complaining about work, church, and even family. Show others your faith in God today by giving thanks instead of complaints!

Audit out!


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