QIC:  BabyFace

Yours truly was sitting solo in the parking lot with only about 3 minutes to spare, wondering if I would be by myself on this muggy May morning. Then, old faithful rolled up in his red truck. PBR would not will not miss a Prison Break. And then, a minute late, Snips came skidding in. After a few more moments, we concluded that was the crew this AM, and got to it.


SSHs, Imperial Stormtroopers, Abagodas(thanks for the spelling tip Snips!), Slumpies, Arm Circles and some calf stretches for PBR. My man went down while mountain biking and somehow had both calves cramp during the crash! #PBRStrong

On to the workout:

First up was a Curb Crawl. Start on one curb, bear crawl across the street, feet on curb for 1 derkin. Then, lunge walk back across street, feet on curb and 2 derkins. Back and forth until you get through 10.

Next we did some Bolt 45s. Similar to Colt 45s, except you do squats while holding blocks. First, 15 uppers, then 15 lowers and then 15 full.

Another new one next with Broken Wheelbarrows. PAX lined up and took turns being the wheelbarrow, except you only hold one of their legs. Other leg is held out straight by PAX on the ground. 2 rounds for each of us on this one to get each side. This was a crowd pleaser!

Another round of Bolt 45s.

Then, we circled up(triangled up?) for Jump, Squat, Hold. First PAX counts out 10 Jump Squats, then transition right into Al Gore(squat hold). Next PAX counts to 9. Next 8 and so on until you finish up. Gave the men an extra 10 count of each at completion.

Last we went for burnouts! This has been received well the last few times I’ve been on Q. It allows everyone to go as hard as they can while still sticking together as a group. We did Curls, Overhead Presses, Rows(bent over or standing, PAX choice), Bench Press, and finished with LBCs. Props to Snips for hitting 100 on Overheads and PBR for 100 on bent rows.


Psalm 46 1-2: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.”

Psalm 107 29: He calmed the raging storm, and the waves became quiet.

2 Corinthians 12; 9: But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ’s power over me.

Life will throw storms your way. God is there to protect you and to help you through them all. Have faith and He will provide.


Baby Face out!


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