QIC:  Babyface

On a nice, warm May morning the men arrived for a Baby Face beat down. Credit to DB and Deep Friar for a 5K pre-run. The time came, the men circled up……and Snips arrived 5 minutes later. In the future, we should tell him workouts start at 10 til. Maybe that will get him on time for once? The thing:

Warmups –

  • SSHs
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Abegodas (I’ve been doing this for a year and still can’t spell that!)
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles – Forward, Backward, Chinooks, and Annies

Now that everyone was warmed up, I gave the men the special word of the day: Flounder Pounder. At any point in the workout, any PAX could shout this out and everyone would drop and complete 5 pickle pounders. Boy did I regret reading too deep into the Lexicon this time…

First exercise was a trip to the baseball field, but there was a pretty serious sign about no trespassing so we didn’t chance it and headed up to the football field. On the way, we completed about 100 pickle pounders. The PAX had caught on to this game very quickly.

At the field, we did Plank Hurdles. Men would line up on goal line, and first one sprinted to the 10 and dropped to plank. Next man up, sprinted to 20, hurdling the first and then dropped to plank. Next to 30, hurdling the previous 2. All the way til we made the opposite goal line. Same exercise back to starting point. During this, I think we completed another 100 pickle pounders.

Next, we created a make shift baseball diamond for Field of Dreams. PAX split into 4 groups and went to each “base”. At 1st you had squats, 2nd had LBCs, 3rd had lunges and home plate had 10 burpees. Once team at home completed burpees, they sprinted to 1st. That group sprinted to 2nd and so on until new team at home and they had 10 burpees. Full rotation of bases for all teams. Only about 50 pickle pounders during this exercise.

After this we took a mosey to the tennis courts.(Of course there were about 20 pounders on the way) Here we hit the corners. 10 merkins in 1st, bear crawl short side to next corner, 15 merkins, karaoke down long side, 20 merkins, bear crawl, 25 merkins, karaoke back to start. Roughly 25 pickle pounders on this one.

Last up was the Q’s special: FALCON. Freddy Mercuries, American Hammers, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, Oblique Crunches, and Ninja Rolls. All 15, IC, back to back. I allowed one last pickle pounder set before beginning.

COT – Number one search for Mother’s Day bible verse led me to the commandment, “Honor thy mother and father.” This showed up in numerous books over and over again. Not only should you honor and appreciate your mother or wife this Sunday, it should be everyday. These ladies keep us straight in the world. We may be the strength of the house, but they are the glue that keeps it all together.


  • Never did I think these guys would self punish so much with Flounder Pounders! We probably did about 300 extra pickle pounders throughout the workout!
  • Bizmark especially enjoyed this new twist. But Goodwill definitely gets the award for most call outs.
  • Both Twin and Rooney were the only reasonable ones that never made the men drop down for extra work.
  • Snips was late. That is all.

Babyface out!



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