3 showed up for INFINITY!!!

P.S.A. Goodwill did walk to the AO this morning.

Baby Face and Goodwill were waiting on YHC.

I got to the AO and was trying to start the warmup but all BF and OG wanted to talk about were Field Day’s and barbie dolls. After much deliberation over things that did not pertain to working out we muddled through the warmup with a lot of mumble-chatter.

Humpees, ATT, Windmill, Helicopter, High Knees

Then it was off to the races. We first stopped at the first bench you come to in the curve going to the soccer fields. We did incline Merkins. Then we ran over the road, close to the next set of benches and did some LBC’s. Then we ran to the soccer fields and did a FIRE DRILL. YHC started the drill with some high knees and called FIRE! OG and I rolled and did a push up and rolled back and started back doing the high knees. Baby Face decided to forego the push up and just keep rolling. Smooth move BF!!! He did the push up the other 2 times though. OG was next to call FIRE! then BF!

We the moseyed back to the AO stopping and doing squats and tricep dips in the same areas we did on the way. (in that order)

Baby Face calls JAIL BREAK!!! with his 16 foot stride he launched his way back to the AO. I was out of breathe so I slowed down after about 20 seconds of running fast. Then OG passed me at the end. I was winded!!!

We get back to the AO and did 1 Ab exercise and then THE BANG HAPPENED!!!

I was on my 6 and we were in a triangle formation. We were all doing the cadence then I noticed OG stopped for a couple cadences. OG’s “6” was pointed at BF. He then lets out the loudest FART I have heard in a while. BF IS DOWN!!! I REPEAT, BF IS DOWN!!! It was one to go in the record books. Then after the laughter we could not continue the workout so we concluded with a COT.


Revelation 3:5

The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels.



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