QIC:  BabyFace

9 PAX showed up on a FINALLY warm morning in May for some serious block work. I dug into the Lexicon some for this workout and it mostly good….mostly


SSHs, Imperial Stormtroopers, Abagodas, Humpies, Arm Circles(forward, backwards, Chinook)

First up was a wagon wheel made of blocks! 5 different spokes with a block exercise on each end. Middle consisted of 25 LBCs with the blocks. Exercises were:

  • Colt 45s(15 low curls, 15 upper curls, 15 full curls)
  • 30 Squats
  • 30 Overhead Presses
  • 30 Reverse Lunges
  • 30 Cobra Bench Presses (slow count til 3 on way down, up fast on 4)

Next the men circled up for Blocktanamo. PAX hold blocks in front of them and take turns stepping into the middle to push down on the other’s blocks. Full cycle of pushing down for everyone.

The Q then gave the men a choice: Bears or Brigades? Fearing the dreaded reverse Bear Crawl(or something worse), the PAX chose brigade. So, short mosey to a hill for Block Brigade. PAX line up and pass one block up the line to the front. Once you pass the block, you sprint to the front. We went up the hill and then back down.

Next we headed back to AO for the block finale: BURNOUTS!

  • Curls for the Girls – 100
  • Overhead Press – 30
  • Block Raises – 50
  • Bench Press – 100
  • Skull Crushers – 50

With sufficiently worn out arms and upper bodies, we called it quits!

COT – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 – Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit.

Remember to be thankful for every moment of your day! The good and the bad are both blessings.

Random Thoughts:

  • PBR is a beast! With a “hurt” wrist, he threw those blocks around like it was child’s play!! #PBRStrong
  • Block Brigade was a bust with our group. Maybe we did it wrong? Steeper hill? Next time on stairs?
  • Mumble chatter is hard to complete when you are Q as well….need to work on my technique
  • These men are strong! They were asking for the big blocks from the Den.
  • Leg day is coming next time….

BabyFace out!


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