QIC:  Twin

Man, I was starting to worry about F3Lenoir. For an AO that used to average double digits, we have started to dwindle. It was encouraging to have an FNG(Ponch) join a couple of weeks ago, and that dude is hanging with everyone. But the urge to fart-sack is really starting to hit Lenoir. Its been a while since we’ve posted double digits. Granted….Friar, Woody, Swinger, PBR, 8-Way, and Audit all had legitimate reasons they could not be in attendance. I just miss seeing everyone on Saturdays.

After I only had 4 people HC for Saturday, I was pleasantly surprised to see a few people I wasn’t expecting. I pulled in right behind an SUV. Who is that? Is that a FNG? I’ve never seen that car. Wait……is he wearing a running cap. Why, yes he is! That must be BISMARK! IT IS! It’s been awhile since we’ve had him out. He’s been getting murdered at work with work hours, but its nice to have that dude back out…..even if its just once and a while. All in all, we had a total of 8. Ill take it.


  • Burpees
  • ATT
  • Humpies
  • Windmills
  • SSH
  • Finkle Swings

Mosey to the block pile and grab 1 block and 2 bricks

Heres the routine. We circled up at the block pile and completed a series of 3 exercises. We then took a mosey with our bricks up the fill in front of the basketball gym and down the hill in front of the theater. We circled up there to do a series of 3 exercises with our bricks. Series below


  • Curls for Snips
  • Overhead Press
  • Bench Press


  • Body Builders (basically an 8 count Burpee)
  • Lateral Arm Raises
  • Bent Over Chest Flys

We ran back and forth between sets. 1 round was 15 IC, 2nd round was 10 IC, 3rd round was 5 IC.

Mosey up to the stadiumย 

Run up the stadium and completed 10 WW2 Sit-ups. Rinse and Repeat until time ran out.


Selflessness. The Bible tells us that we are to love our wife’s as Christ loves the Church. He love the church so much he dies for her. The most selfless act imaginable. Gave props to my man Audit. Trained for a solid 6 months to run a marathon, got in incredible shape. When It can to race day, he sacrificed all that work to run with his wife and share that experience with her. What an amazing act of selflessness. Audit is the man


  • Goodwill and Snips knew I was on Q so they purposefully showed up late for the burpees
  • Or it took a little longer to get around the bed, because they must have woken up on the wrong side of it. They were mouthy this morning.
  • See Snips, you made the backblast. Mission accomplished.
  • BabyFace discovered he can actually count when he’s not running his mouth
  • It was awesome to have Rooney back out today. He’s still in better shape than us ๐Ÿ™

Twin Out!



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