QIC:  Goodwill

Is it breaking the law if you had permission to do it once before? 6 PAX toured the homes of the F3 stars and enjoyed putting graffiti on one of their driveways.

Warm Up

SSH x 20

Humpees x 20

(something else but I cant remember)


2.7 miles total. We went to Lower Creek Elementary (calf raises and bear crawls up the hill). Back to greenway for Bulgarian Squats.  All the way through the woods for Weezys and Line Jumps. Back to the start for Mary.


20 Situps, 20 Flutters, 20 count Crunch Hold

20 Situps, 20 Flutters, 20 count 1/2 Weezy Hold


1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Stand Firm in the Faith.  In a culture that pushes Jesus and his teachings away, or misconstrues them we cannot waiver in our convictions and our beliefs.


Twin, Sorry man we had to.

Friar ran the extra mile from his house… YHC chose to drive 50 feet to the A/O.

We might have woken up a few people in Lower Creek with all the mumblechatter this morning

Phase 2 is now complete. They have been conditioned.  Now I must teach them my ways and religion.

Goodwill Out!




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