QIC:  Goodwill

It’s an improvement right? Spoke would say so we think.  8 PAX showed up for the first day of strength training at Prison Break on a morning that was so warm Snips pulled the guns and nips out for everyone’s enjoyment… But, it was cold enough for his snow gloves.

Warm Up

SSH x 25

Burpees x 5

Finkle Swings x 12 EL

Burpees x 5

Arm Circles x 20/19/21 (Had a case of the PBR’s)

Burpees x 5

The Thang

HIIT Strength – 3 Rounds with 40 seconds of work consecutively for each exercise, with a 20 second break in between rounds, and a minute in between sets. All of the below involve a cinder block

1A Mountain Climbers

1B Plank

1C Bent Over Rows with Blocks

2A Lunge CB on chest Right Leg

2B Lunge CB on chest Left Leg

2C Jump Squat no CB (not even YHC wanted to attempt that this morning)

3A Merkin Chest to CB

3B Bench Press

3C Carolina Dry Dock with feet on CB

4A Squat

4B Curl

4C Overhead Press

Burn out – Curl into a Squat into a Push Press AMRAP


1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Be a Man, NOT just a Male

Act like men literally translates to “play the man” unfortunately, this is counter cultural in today’s world.  We are told that telling boys to be men will harm them and cause them to be insecure about themselves in a world that is transitioning to be whatever you want to be and that’s ok.  Paul is instructing the men of the church in Corinth that they should “Be watchful”, be serious about being a man but do it with pure joy so that they are the ambassadors of joy in their homes and in their community.  Are we acting like little boys still or are we men who bring joy into the hearts of our wives and kids? A man can destroy so much with his tone, anger, and frustration.  Today, find your joy in the lord so that you can lead your family into the fruit that he has called us to produce.


Phase 1 is complete, I have broken down their bodies only to condition them Friday and build them up how I see fit. My plan is working perfectly so far…

PBR of course had stairs for breakfast.

Spokes pointed out that we only traveled 0.25 miles. I call that a win for the non-runner in me.

We need some lessons in how to put a flag in the ground, can anyone out there help some of us figure out how this contraption called a shovel works?

I am apparently long winded when it comes to a COT. Twin threw me under the bus later in the day. You can ask him about it.

RevOGGoodwillCherryPOTUS Out!



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