QIC:  Kleenex

HURLER 4/19/18 @5:30
Temperature: 60degrees

Disclaimer/Warm-up: all x12 IC
Imp Stormtroopers
Alt Toe Touch
Arm Circles (fwd/rev)

Hairband Mile to the Tater Hole.
(The Mental Marathon with a Jogging Distance equal to or less than 1/4 mile. Named in honor of Hairband who claims to hate running but is secretly a closet runner – i.e.Twig). To the TATERHOLE: 1mi. Back from the TATERHOLE: 2mi (or maybe it just feels that way!)

(In between each set, SSH x10 IC)
Tunnel of Love
Pax plank side by side, one by one someone crawls under the tunnel of planking pax…on the asphalt!
SSH x10 IC
This exercise instructs pax on the art of clean floors! Hold plank, rotate one arm in a circular motion while holding plank with the opposite arm. Q makes the call on time or repetitions.
SSH x10 IC
Turn and Bounce
Feet slightly wider than shoulders, arms extended palms up, twist at torso to the left and bounce* with torso twisted, back to center for the 4 count, this is ONE.
SSH x10 IC
Empty Wheelbarrow
An belly up plank walk with someone holding your feet. Essentially a crabwalk with partner holding feet.
SSH x10 IC
Ranger Merkins
Merkin position – however, your hands should be placed back more in line with your rib cage instead of your shoulders.
SSH x10 IC
Have hands raised during our Run/ Mosey to our next spot…(creates a Major Burn..)
SSH x10 IC
Sitting in the position for flutter kicks, keep your feet together and make a big “O” with them. 10 reps to the right and 10 reps to the left for 40 total.
SSH x10 IC
Low Country Crab
From the crab position (hands and feet, face up, back and bum off the ground), in cadence, right hand up to touch left foot up, left hand up to touch right foot up.
SSH x10 IC
5 jump-ups, 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 5 squats, 5 lunges. OYO. Rinse & Repeat 4x
SSH x10 IC

Mosey to start in front of Mackie Furn:
On six:
Dolly’s 10x IC
Russian Hammers. 10x IC
Flutter Kicks 10x IC
Freddie Mercuries 10x IC

Since we got back early for Chewy to head out, we finished up with partner choice!
Mercedes: Bear Craws
Banjo: Dips
Twig: Derkins
UdderButter: Carolina Dry Docks
Chewy: Back Car over the Q


1 Corinthians 16:13
Be watchful,
Stand firm in the faith,
Act like men,
Be strong.
(Rinse & Repeat…)

Many various …Many unspoken.

Glad to be Here!



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