The Thang:  11 PAX posted on this mild Thursday morning. Warm-ups – x15 reps in cadence Side Straddle Hops Little arm circles Alternating Toe Touches Merkins Abe Vigodas Imperial Storm Troopers Moseyed to block pile where we obtained a coupon & proceeded to mosey to Flick Video (well, it used […]
QIC was again harassed as to the whereabouts of his best friend Wile E,  unfortunately QIC best guess was a HC turned HF.  Hard fartsack.  He works hard though! Next time you HC we will have to Mosey to the farm and pick you up. let’s get started Warm Up […]
We had a stunning 12 PAX at Expresso this morning.  Attendance has been low recently due to P200 training. Started off with SSH and ATT. Make our way to the courtyard for Pullups and Stepups.  8,6,4,6 Pullups with 10 stepups in between each set. Mosey to the parking near Fuel.  […]