QIC:  Twin

It was cold and there was snow and 9 PAX…

Warm Up

  • Burpee’s OYO
  • Humpies
  • ATT
  • Windmill
  • Finkle Swings

Mosey to the Police station

Calf Raises – 30 IC

Mosey to parking lot behind 1841

I hit them with the Insanity Max 30 warmup. It’s honestly just a HIIT for 5 straight minutes

Mosey to the hill that leads to down town Lenoir

We completed a series of exercises that spelled out Double Bogey. In between sets we would run down the hill and alternate between LBC and RBC. We would then run back up the hill for the next exercise. Anytime we did RBC at the bottom of the Hill we had to Bernie Sanders(run backwards) back to the top.

  • D – Dips
  • O – Oblique crunches – Left side
  • U – U-Boats
  • B – Baryshnikov Squats
  • L – Lunges
  • E – E2K
  • B – Burpee
  • O – Oblique crunches – Right side
  • G – Gorilla Humpers
  • E – Elbow to Knee
  • Y – Y-Ups

Mosey back to the AO

35 Birthday Merkins for Friar! Happy birthday brother!


I just wanted to leave them with a simple quote. This was in my devotion this week and it hit me like a freight train. Everyman should read this and do something with it.

“The critical question for our generation—and for every generation—
is this: If you could have heaven, with no sickness, and with all the
friends you ever had on earth, and all the food you ever liked, and
all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed, and all the natural beauties
you ever saw, all the physical pleasures you ever tasted, and no
human conflict or any natural disasters, could you be satisfied with
heaven, if Christ were not there? ”


  • F3 Lenoir has no coordination
  • F3 Lenoir can’t understand simple work out routines
  • I know you guys hate that I do calf raises every time I Q, but we never do anything focused on our calf muscles. I’m just trying to help you out!
  • #rectumrumblers
  • Happy Birthday to Friar! I applaud him for not fartsacking
  • #prayforshoebox
  • DB – last time we did this routine I gave you a shout out in the backblast for running 8 miles at a 8 something pace. Just a few short months later, you are funning 8 miles at a 7:20 pace. Nice work! #preacherlife

Twin out!


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