QIC:  Steam Engine


AO: The Mount

Conditions: A warm 33 degrees especially after a 2 mile pre run


Little Arm Circles (Forward) IC 12x

Little Arm Circles (Backward) IC 12x

Chinook IC 12x

Moroccan Nightclub IC 12x

Imperial Stormtrooper IC 12x

Windmill IC 12x

Humpee IC 12x

Alternating Toe Touches IC 12x

SSH IC 12x

Slow mosey to Mid Lot

The Thang:

Bearicides: a bear crawl suicides.You’ve done suicides before start on the line run to the next line come back 2nd line come back and so on.

Asheville Abs IC 5x led by Pati Mayo

Broad jump suicides

Pretzel IC 8x led by Short Sale

Lunge suicides

Asheville Abs IC 5x led by Pati Mayo

Sprints 8x

Pretzel IC 8x led by Short Sale

Mosey to flag for some Mary


LBC IC 12x

RBC IC 12x ( or LBC if you did RBC first just do the one that you didn’t do)

Dying cockroach IC 12x

Leg Climb IC 12x

Big Boy Sit Ups OYO 10x

American Hammers IC 12x



WOD: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

I’ve been in the Hickory area for a year now. It’s been an up and down journey. The downside is not being able to plant roots in either Chattanooga or here because of my schedule. But I have been fortunate to have found F3 Mt View. In one of my first beatdowns here Jordache was on Q and I remember 2 things: 1) 50 burpee warm up 2) WOD: We ask God to move us to certain places in our live so we can do his work that we fail to see that we are were we are suppose to be. So I have roughly another year left in the area and I am not sure what my purpose is but I have enjoyed my time here. Thanks for being here for me men it means a lot to be surrounded by Godly men that can pick me up when I am down.



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