QIC:  Wile E

I guess it was similar to a RAM?……Here’s the thang…


15 Finkle Swings IC each leg

15 Humpees IC

15 Mountain Climbers IC

Long Mosey up to Middle School and to Hwy 64/90 exit

Along the way there each time we stopped 5 burpees (25 total) then switched to 5 Froggers (15 total)

Stopped for a minute wall chair at middle school

Mosey up to bottom of stadium

Box Jump each big step about 10 steps

5 tricep dips on the way back down on each step

Step down on track for Indian Run around track

Mosey to brick wall at high school

Itsy Bitsy spider 15 IC

Super Man plank (hands against wall stretched out plank) 30 seconds

Chair sit 1 min

walked to steps and do some calf raises 25 single count

Rinse and repeat from Itsy Bitsy

Mosey to Tennis court

Partner up and Wheel Barrel across each court alternating each court

Jog half back and lunge walk 3 tennis courts

Mosey up steps to front of High School for Mary

American Hammers

Leg Lifts

6 inches hold for 1 min

side plank 30 seconds each side on elbow

regular plank 1 min

Mosey back to AO for COT

Word of Day

From James 3

The Tongue

We put bits in horses mouths to turn it’s whole body and massive ships, though tossed by the ocean are controlled by a small rudder.

The tongue is a small member and boasts great things. Out of our mouths proceed blessings and curse.

Does a spring bring forth both fresh and bitter water?

Let’s try to be men that use their tongue for blessing when we speak. Uplifting and encouraging to one another. Christlike examples can be set by using our tongue for good and not evil.

Great workout men

Wile E out.


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