QIC:  Spokes

Four of us enjoyed the warm 37 degree weather and decided we would try to keep in time with multiples of five. 



Windmills 15 IC
Slumpie 15 IC
LBAC’s 20 IC (forward, backward, chinooks) No drop-em between exercises
Monkey Humpers 15 IC

Mosey to LA PD (Lenoir Area) Entrance Steps
Heel Lifts 40 IC

Mosey to Presbyterian church steps at lower parking lot

Red Bull Smurf Jacks (modified Exicon)  (OYO and at high repeition)
Sprint up stairs (don’t skip)
At the top perform 15 Smurf Jacks
Sprint to next set of stairs

At the top perform 15 Smurf Jacks

Safely go down stairs
At the bottom perform 15 Smurf Jacks

Sprint to beginning base of stairs
At the bottom perform 15 Smurf Jacks

Repeat dropping to 10 Smurf Jacks
Repeat dropping to 5 Smurf Jacks

20 Count Recover

Rinse & Repeat Red Bull Smurf Jacks

20 Count Recover

Plank Medley (Standard, RAH, LAH, RLH, LLH, RALL, LARL, Mission Impossible hold for 30 seconds)

Mosey to low wall at Stargate

15 Box Jumps
15 Dips
Rinse and repeat dropping to 10
Rinse and repeat dropping to 5
Inclined Merkins 15 IC

Mosey to A/O

“We have the gift of time.”  Madonna, F3 San Antonio


Duck Jousting (will need to repeat when there are way more PAX)

Low Plank

4 MoMs (10 second-hold between) – F3 San Antonio Style
Dolly 15 IC
High slow flutter 10 IC (wanted to do 15 but the Q was hurting)
Freddy Mercury 15 IC
Rosalita 15 IC

2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV

As Men are we intentional as we move through our daily lives with our spouse, children, employer?  How are we doing to become the Men God intends us to be?



Overherd a little mumble chatter as to how much we hate “San Antonio”.  Much like our kids; telling them to stop doing something (they have to test it), we had our time with Mary including the 10 second hold-em.   Audit rolled in just in time to do some Monkey Humpers yet the three of us were well in tune with our cadence of chinooks that a golf clap wasn’t even thought about.  Word to the wise for us short guys, Duck Jousting with Babyface is totally unfair…but loads of fun!  I heard PBR announce his Q for Prison Break next Tuesday and the word on Glide notes steps and potentially a log could be involved as well.


Spokes out!



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