QIC:  Audit

Tax season is just around the corner so, to get all the Lenoir PAX ready, I decided to do a “tax time” RAM-style workout. Benjamin Franklin is attributed with the quote, “… but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Ole Benny was a pretty smart guy, but I believe he was wrong with this statement. You see… I am certain that if a workout involves any sort of running… Double Bogey will be there! Dude is an absolute running machine.


SSH x 20 IC

LAC x 20 IC

Reverse x 20 IC

Finkle Swings x 10 IC each leg

High Knees x 10 IC

Butt Kickers x 10 IC

Then “Tax Time” began!

We started our 2.8 mile mosey around Lenoir by running from the Prison Break A/O to the Lenoir Post Office.

T push ups x 15 IC – Start in a plank, bring right hand up in the air then bring back down to a plank, do one merkin, bring left hand up in the air then bring back down to a plank, do one merkin

Moseyed to the News Topic

American Hammers x 25 IC

Moseyed to the Hospital

X Factor x 15 IC

Moseyed to Walgreens

Travoltas x 10 IC

Flap Jack

Moseyed back to the A/O

Imperial Squat Walkers X 10 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

E2K x 10 IC

Flap Jack


“Because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.” – Romans 13:6-7

Nobody likes to pay their taxes, but God calls us to pay taxes. God, however, does not call us to approve of everything our tax money pays for. In Paul’s day tax money was used to pay the salaries of soldiers and other officials who persecuted Christians and committed other evils. Nevertheless, Paul told the church at Rome to pay its taxes anyway. Paying our taxes is not a sign that we endorse everything the government does with our money; rather, it is one way we fulfill God’s command to submit to the State, just as we are to submit to God’s authority.

You’ve just been AUDITED!!!


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