QIC:  Twin


I gotta tell ya, the bar was set this week for F3 Lenoir. Audit and Double Bogey absolutely killed us. It’s been along time since I’ve left a F3 workout sore. I’ve been sore several days this week. I knew that I had to bring it if I was going to keep this thing going. We don’t get up for easy, right?


  • Slumpies
  • ATT
  • Windmill
  • Good Mornings
  • Spider Lunge
  • 10 Burpee’s

Mosey to the Blocks – making sure to take a couple Hills on the way

The Thang

Suicide Blocks

We lined up a series of blocks in a line approx. 10 – 20 ft apart from one another. Think about the lines on a football field. We would partner up and do suicides to each line of blocks and complete an exercise.

P2 would do Should Taps while P1 ran to the first set of blocks.

Once P1 returned to the starting line, P2 would run to the second level of blocks while P1 would do Shoulder Taps. So on and so forth

We alternated between Should Taps and Flutter Kicks at the start line.

Block exercises as follows:

  • Level 1 – Curls
  • Level 2 – Over Head Press
  • Level 3 – Squats
  • Level 4 – Bench Press

We did 10 reps of each

Rinse and repeat but upped to 20 reps of each.

Rinse and repeat but upped to 30 reps of each.

Mosey to the track!


Something I learned from our brothers @F3Rollesville. This is a modified version because they absolutely killed me. We lined up on the track. I brought my dry-erase board and we would do the exercises below. The PAX would do the exercises 1 at a time. They would do 10 reps, then run half a lap and do 10 more. Once they arrived back at the start, they would do the next exercise.

  • Burpee’s
  • Side to Side Push-Ups
  • WWII Sit Ups
  • Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks
  • Squat Jumps

Mosey to the Tennis Courts for some Mary


  • X-Factor
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Wheezy Jefferson’s
  • Dying Cock-Roaches


Galatians 6:2 ESV

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ

Audit’s COT really spoke to me last week. The very next day as I was preparing my Sunday School lesson, it was about the same thing. We are not meant to go through this life alone. As men, we are taught to do it alone. That we don’t need anyone’s help. However, that is not scriptural. Audit pulled from Ecclesiastes. In Genesis, we see that it was not good for man to be alone. We experience God through other people as well. I challenge all of us to be more willing to ask for help. To lean on each other more often.


  • Shout out to Spokes, Audit, Baby Face, Double Bogey and Friar for getting a pre-run in before this madness
  • I think @F3Rollesville called it Shark-Nado because the Q was Shark-bait and you just run in a circle the whole time
  • Welcome Chips! His wife’s FIA name is Salsa…..it was unanimous
  • I’d like to give Woody, Spokes and Gump a shout out. These men really kick our butts even though they are older than us :). Inspiring



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