QIC:  Kleenex

HURLER 11/21/17
@5:30 …in the gloom!
Temperature: 33degrees

Disclaimer/Warm-up: all x15 IC
Abe Vagodas
Alt Toe Touch
Arm Circles (fwd/rev)

Mosey to the wall @Huffys:
7min workout :30sec increments
12 workouts: (JumpJacks/WallSit/PushUps/AbCrunches/StepUps/Squats/Dips/Plank/SpeedInPlace/Lunges/PushUpWithRotation/SidePlanks)

Mosey long way to FBC:
(First Bapt Shed Wall)
Wall Sit while doing:
– Wonderbras x12 IC
– Ken Nortons x12 IC
– Muhammad Ail’s AMRAP 1min
Turn on Wall:
– Itsy Bitsy Spiders x12
– Mountain Climbers x12
Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to ClubCola parking lot:
Ring Of Fire
Bear Crawls 360 (front,reverse)
Fire Drill
high knees, call out FIRE: 3 Burpees                                           Ray Finkel Swings  10x each leg

Mosey to square:
PARTNER UP: 1 runs Lap around square, while other does BLIMPS:
Burpees AMRAP
Lunges AMRAP
Imperials AMRAP
Merkins AMRAP
Peter Parkers AMRAP
Squats AMRAP

Mosey to start in front of Mackie Furn:
On six:
Dolly’s 10x IC
Russian Hammers. 10x IC
Flutter Kicks 10x IC
Freddie Mercuries 10x IC

Finish with SSH FOR SPEED! 1min

Did Jesus say He was God? Muslims will say no, but the answer is emphatically YES. Because it’s all in the context. OT references from Daniel 7 and Isaiah 9 and 25 are clear to the Jews of his day, and Paul (see Phil 2, 1Cor15, etc) references outside of the Gospels (John8:58) that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the I AM true God.
First, Jesus was never so arrogant as to equate himself to His Father. But he compares to His example, His Life, His Ways always pointing to His Father. Second, Jesus is a part of the Trinity as the second Person of 3, yet all together 1 substance equating God. This “relational” aspect truly points to a God of personal relationship, in whom Jesus was personal and came incarnate to walk among and with us.
Lastly, God is Holy and this means perfect, set apart, sinless. Jesus himself was fully man and fully God. So.  when he humanly expressed his divine nature, his perfect sinless life pointed to Him being God in Human Form. His words and actions (miracles only the True God could accomplish, raising dead to life, healing the leprose, blind, etc) matched up.
One final point to consider: how can this Truth speak to and through you today? He says to make disciples and unashamedly we are to share the free gift of The Gospel. May you be blessed in KNOWING Jesus is God and holds to His promises. Why? Because a Holy God can’t lie!

Study Reference:

Many various …Many unspoken.

Glad to be Here!



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