QIC:  Wile E

Cool clear morning made just for a good hard workout..Enjoy!

Warmup – all 15xIC


Grab some bricks and Mosey to doc office parking lot

Circle up for “Bear Climbers Ring”
Facing outward from circle all PAX do Moutain Climbers while each PAX Bear Crawls around the circle & back to his spot.
10 sec.
Circle up for “Crabby Pickle Ring”
Facing outward from circle all PAX Pickle Pound while each PAX Crab Walks around the circle back to his spot.

Line up in Row in lot with bricks and Lunge walk across parking lot.. on other side do 25 squats.. lunge back and do 25 more squats

Mosey with bricks to town square
Set one
Curls for girls 20x IC
Skull Crushers 20xIC
Lat Arm Lifts 15xIC
Overhead Press 25xIC
Little R & R with 5 less reps each

Line up for Indian Run with bricks around a couple turns and bam another parking lot
15 Burpees
Howling Monkeys 2x

Mosey to AO for TWM

LBCs 10x IC
10 second 6 inches into Reverse Crunch 10xIC
10 second 6 inches into Outlaw 10 circles to left and 10 to right
Spell your FULL HOSPITAL NAME and F3 NAME with legs


Colossians 4:2 Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert & focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving.

I’m thankful for these men, my F3 brothers. For our commitment to encouraging & lifting each other up. For the determination to become better men for God, family & community. For the trusted bond we share when discussing personal matters. For praying to, believing in & following daily our savior Jesus Christ. And when struggles arise for being able to lean on one another.


Heard some groans when we started the Bear Climbers Ring and Crabby Pickle Ring so they’re here to stay. Based on todays workout I already have a great idea for my next Q. Stay tuned. Good work fellas.

Thats a wrap.
Wile E out !!



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