QIC:  Kleenex

HURLER Thursday 11/16/17
Q: Kleenex
FNG: 2/5ths
PAX: UdderButter/Twig/Assid/2Ply/Pippy
Temp: 41 degrees

Disclaimer/warm up (12x IC)
Marky Marks (aka: Twigs!)
Chinooks (overhead fwd/rev)
Alt Toe Touches
Ray Finkle Swings (hips)
Abe Vigodas
Copperhead Squats

Mosey to Christian Fellowship Pkg Lot:
TOGETHER: Fire Drill
PAX in circle: high knees, call out FIRE; all PAX hit ground roll right, do Ranger Merkin, roll left, do Regular Merkin, then recover back to high knees/chopping
Stop. Drop. And Roll, until the FIRE is out.

Mosey back to Road Parallel to 321-A:
TOGETHER: Bataan Death March
AKA: burpee catch me if you can Indian Run ; Last person drops does 5burpees while rest of PAX slowsie; run to catch the group , while the former last guy goes to the front of the line; cont until all PAX done

Mosey to Flick Video:
TOGETHER: Fire Drill…again!
PAX in circle: high knees, call out FIRE; all PAX hit ground roll right, do Ranger Merkin, roll left, do Regular Merkin, then recover back to high knees/chopping
Stop. Drop. And Roll, until the FIRE is out.

Mosey Behind Jeff’s Shaved Ice:
(Grab Block from pile)
SET 1:
-PAX does AMRAP Abyss Merkins on blocks , while other PAX sprints to end and back
-PAX does 2 block carries to end and back, while other PAX does AMRAP LBCs
SET 2:
-Squats w/Block 12 IC
-Curls for Girls 15 IC
-Lunges w/Block 12 IC

Mosey to front of Capital Bank:
Bear Crawls back to Start in Front of Mackie Furniture.

Back to Start,Β On steps:
Dips 15 OYO
Decline Merkins 15 OYO

ABSolutely NO CRYING!!
-Crunchy Frogs 10 IC
-Boxcutters 10 IC
-Russian Twists 10 IC
-Bay City Scissors 7 IC
-Dolly’s 10 IC
-Protractor (angles:10/30/45/90) hold :10
(While PAX are holding, have Roger walk by and slap each of their feet down and call them names like “sweeties” and “sugerbabies”…to motivate of course! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†)
-Sweat Angels 10 IC
-Rosalitas 10 IC
-Hurricane Hoedown:
5Normal Flutter
4Seated Flutter
3Hallelujah Flutter
2Normal Flutter
-Hundreds 25 IC
-Freddie Merc’s 10 IC
-Rope Climb 7 IC
-Dying Cockroach 7 IC

Prayers: Sherry Hall Family/ Carl Pope Family/ Chris Gragg Family/ many unmentioned

Reflection: Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
With recent negative news, we tend to focus on temporal matters and elevate their importance in the scheme of life. But let’s remain steadfast as Men who are here to Build Up, Come Alongside, and to Encourage one another in the Life, Light, and Love of Jesus Christ. May our actions reflect our inward change, because there is a hurting world that is forgetting that death is real, and life is precious. #BeF3EncouragersToday

Proud to Serve; Glad to Be Here!


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