Since this was my first Q I had to mix it up a little.  Inspiration came from my 10 year old daughter Emma.  She likes to DJ at home and in the car.  Her song choices are, well what you would expect from a 10 year old


Warm Up

  • Slumpies  (IC)
  • Finkle Swings (IC)
  • Abe Vigoda (IC)


  • Weezy Jeffersons 1 minute ( while movin on up to the theme song of The Jeffersons)
  • Flutter Kicks 1 minute (Sponge Bob Square Pants kept us company while singing the Campfire Song)
  • American Hammers 1 minute  (on our own butt in rhythm to the Gummy Bear Song) See what I did there?
  • LBC 1 minute (Its Peanut Butter Jelly Time Where you at? )

Mosey to the Police Station steps

Calf Raises  1 minute (Played some Bad Boys to honor the men in blue)  Snips was worried that his “Guns” might get him in trouble.

Mosey to the Veterans Memorial

Merkans for 30 seconds.  (Motivated by  Nugget in a Biscuit, if you don’t know it look it up)

Planked for 2 minutes trying to figure out “What the Fox Says” and why Audit knows every word to the song.

Butt Bridges for 1 minute to Shania Twain – Man! I Feel Like A Woman!  Not going to name names but a few were enjoying this a little to much.

Mosey to the bottom of a hill

Sprinted up and walked down the hill 5 times.  (No tunes but missed a golden opportunity for some Rocky)

Mosey to a dark corner in a parking lot

Wall Sit for 1 minute then Squats for 1 minute Rinse and repeat.

Got ready for to weekend by listening to Rebecca Blacks tribute to Friday which is FUN FUN FUN while wall sitting.  Never Gonna Give You Up and My Heart Will Go On gave us something to think about while squatting.  I think I saw a few tears.  Now you can see why I had to find a dark corner.


Finished with a quick San Antonio lead by Spokes



Bragged a little about how much weight I have lost and talked about how we can always get better.  No matter what “Never Stop Improving”.  That sounds good maybe a company should use that as a slogan.



Counting and exercising is pretty difficult.

Audit and my 10 year old daughter know the same songs.

Our Photoshop skills are not to good.

Audit can dance.



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