YHC took a last minute impromptu Q at the most beautiful and by far the safest AO in the land on Wed. at the good OL-OG. Β Here’s how it went…. Warm up- SSH, ATT, Humpys After the warm up, as tradition has started to mandate, we headed to YHC’s home […]
5 PAX posted on this chilly morning. Lot of fartsacking because of the cold??? Warm ups – Side-straddle hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, ABAGODAS, Humpies, Arm Circles(forward and backward). With everyone nice and loose, time for a mosey. Next, at an empty parking lot, we found a nice wall to work […]
I am going to skip right to it… Audit fartsacked, we still love you Audit πŸ™‚ We started off with random exercises for warm ups. I believe high knees was thrown in some part of the warm up. Baby Face took over and brought some exercises he learned from Asheville. […]