QIC:  Twin

YHC had the Q this morning, so I assumed it would be a low number. Much to my surprise, we had 12 PAX show up. Lucky for them, I only had 30 minutes today due to Q School. So I really wanted to make sure they got their money’s worth.

Warm Up

I clearly didn’t have time for the usual stuff this morning. To make sure we got a good workout in, we did a Burpee Ladder. Starting with a set of 10, we worked our way down to 1.

Indian Run to the football field. The 6 had to drop and do 5 Merkins before catching up to the front.

Animal Walk Suicides

  • We started at the endzone, and crab walked to the 20. The PAX would then run to the opposite end zone and back to the 20 they ended at.
  • The PAX would then gecko walk(think bear crawl with a push-up) to the 40. They would then run to the end zone and back to the 40 they ended at.
  • We alternated these two exercises for 20 yard increments until our last set was crab walks to the end zone. We ended with a end zone to end zone sprint.

Partner Up

We partnered up to do a cumulative 200 Squats and 200 LBCs. While partner 1 did the exercise, partner 2 had to run a full lap around the track.

Mosey back to the AO for Q School


I really like the Fitness part of F3, but I keep coming back for the Fellowship. 3 or 4 months ago I shared with the PAX something I’ve been struggling with. Since I’ve shared, that sin has no longer plagued my life and several of the guys have reached out with encouragement. These are my brothers! This is my family! We’ve got an incredible group of men. They are the reason I keep coming back.


  • Crop – we made sure to address the backblasts!
  • If you want to get this group upset, just lead off with a Burpee Ladder
  • Snips M attended Star Gate this week, which made the COT slightly awkward for a little bit. Needless to say, Snips will not allow her to attend again without him. What happens at Star Gate, stays at Star Gate
  • Thanks to Q School, Wile E is ready for his VQ Tuesday. Lets all get out and show some support! YOU GOT THIS!
  • Best of luck to Friar and DB on the Tuna run next week! You both are machines!

Twin out!





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