QIC:  Baby Face

10 brave PAX made it out for a great morning of exercise. Can’t beat a fall morning for a nice shoulder burn!

Warm ups – Side-straddle hops, Imperial Storm Troopers, ABAGODAS, Humpies, Arm Circles(forward and backward). With everyone nice and loose, time for a mosey.

Next, at an empty parking lot, we completed the Del Brown. Start at one end and 10 merkins. Then bear crawl to other end of lot and there you complete 10 diamond merkins. Then back to beginning by way of crab walk. 4 sets of Del Brown got the shoulders going.

A couple of backwards sprints up the hill next to parking lot then on to the downton plaza for Guantanamo. All PAX on their six in a tight circle with feet raised. One is in the middle and goes around pushing down on each set of feet. Full circuit of each HIM getting a chance to inflict pain.

From there, mosey to a side street for PAX Dominoes. We lined up on the curb in side plank. First HIM rotates to plank and completes 10 merkins. Then the next goes, creating a dominoe effect. Worked both right side and left and then back to AO.

FALCON abs to end the morning (Freddy mercuries, American hammers, LBCs, Crunchy frogs, Obliques(10 each side) and kNee lifts). 10 count in cadence. Feel the burn of the FALCON!!!!

COT – Luke 6:38 – Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Proverbs 11:25 – A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Matthew 23:11 – The greatest among you will be your servant.

Our communities need our help and we are more than strong enough to give it! About 2 weeks ago Lenoir area F3 and FIA rallied in about 3 days to send 135 pounds of food to one or our local food banks. Just think what we can do if we plan ahead….

Babyface out!



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