QIC:  Goodwill

We started with 4 PAX and finished with 5… not a typo.


SSH x 15 IC

Windmills x 15 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Arm Circles x 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey to Stadium stopping at the stands

Since so many PAX decided to vacation or get muddy, we had quite a few absences today.  Decided that we should all be absent from the workout at some point to fit the norm.  One PAX calls out an exercise for the rest of the PAX to do while he runs up the stairs twice.  First round Arms, second legs, third abs, and last Grouts favorite cardio. In between each round run 200 meters. All PAX must run up the stairs twice for one round to be completed. Our favorite call outs were Grout’s ladder sprints, Prius’s Dips, Audit’s Star Jumps, Rooney’s Flutters for a leg/ab combo that was from left field, and Goodwill’s Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey back to AO for a little time with Mary

American Hammers x 10 IC

Weezy Jeffersons x 10 IC

Flutter Kicks x 100 IC

Heels to Heaven x 10 IC


1 John 4:19 “We love because he first loved us”.  We have to understand the love that God has for us before we can truly love the ones around us and to show his love to a lost world.


Audit hit the snooze alarm a few too many times this morning and caught up with us at the stadium.

Grout became our head coach and introduced us to some new painful alternative workouts. Also, make sure you give him a minute to think. He doesn’t like to be put on the spot with decisions.

Rooney of course didn’t break a sweat.

Prius turns the jets on when you start talking to him during a run.



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