QIC:  Audit


SSH x 15 IC

Hillbillies x 15 IC

Butt Kicks x 15 IC

Chinooks x 15 IC

ATT x 15 IC

Indian Run to Post Office

“In the Plank Tonight” – PAX planks for the entire song on “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins (about 5 minutes)

Wilt Chamberlains:

100 LBCs

Run 100 feet (length of a basketball court)

100 Squats

Run 100 feet back

100 Flutter Kicks

Run 100 feet

100 Lunges

Run to Methodist Church parking lot

Fire Drill – PAX begin chopping feet, going in a circle each PAX yells out “fire” and all PAX hit the ground, roll right, do one merkin, roll left, do one merkin, then go back to chopping until all PAX have yelled “fire”.

Run back to A/O


Freddie Mercury x 20 IC

Boxcutters x 10 IC

WW2 situps x 10 IC

American Hammers x 20 IC


A motivational speaker closed her conference by bringing a big clear cylindrical container on stage. She filled it with a few big rocks. Then she poured in some smaller rocks around the big ones until the rocks spilled over the top. She asked the audience, “Is it full yet?” They shouted, “Yes!” She then pulled out a bag of pea gravel out from under the table. She poured in the gravel. It clattered around the smaller rocks. She asked again, “Is it full yet?” Wiser, some in the audience yelled, “No!” This time the speaker produced a bag of sand and dumped it into the container. The white sand filled in all the gaps. Once more she asked the audience, “Is it full yet?” Though they couldn’t imagine anything else fitting into the cylinder, they couldn’t bring themselves to say, “No.” Finally, the speaker grabbed a bucket of water and poured up to the brim. She asked, “Now it’s full. What’s the point of this illustration?” One man said, “There’s always room for more in our schedules?” Another piped up, “We can handle more than we think?” “No,” the speaker retorted. She glanced around the room and quietly stated, “If you don’t get the big rocks in first, they will never go in.” What are your “big rocks”? What are you prioritizing in your life? Ask God today to help you prioritize the right things today.

Ephesians 5:15-16 “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time, because the days are evil.”


We welcomed FNG, Short Circuit to the group!


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