5 faithful departed from their fart sacks this morning in order to meet in the 77 degree humid gloom to run and exercise. It went like this…

The Thang:
Warm up
.5 mile run to the Alexander County library

Mosey down Shiloh Church Road to Wildlife Access Road and into Wittenburg access.

Dora 1-2-3

Moving around the parking lot, teams of 2 pax working together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 100, 200, and 300 reps. Pax 1 executes as many reps as possible while Pax 2 sprints down to light pole and back. Flapjack until team goal is reached. 100 ‘mericans per team, 200 Squats per team, and 300 Crunches per team.

Mosey back up Shiloh to the starting point. Done!

Damp Moleskin
YHC rolled into the parking lot this am greeted by 4 anxious PAX (actually 3….Cable Guy made his normal 0532 appearance but was anxious once he finally got there).  As YHC exited his vehicle he saw HotLips…

YHC:  Good morning
HotLips: (wearing a 40lb. weight vest) Good morning…are we running?
YHC: (With a confused look due to weight vest and the fact that HL is asking YHC this question) Yes…of course (Who did he think he was talking to?)
HotLips: Hmm…ok

YHC thought that there was no way that Dr. Lips was going to complete what YHC had planned, especially carrying the weight equivalent to his youngest child.  YHC was wrong.  These guys, all of them, are getting better.  It was pure joy to run up a hill side by side with Plank.  It was pure joy to watch Stonewall, who recently returned after an injury, blast out ahead of YHC and Plank up that hill.  And it was pure joy to see HotLips, with Cable Guy by his side, complete this hilly 3.3 mile course, and then some, in fine fashion.  I’m continually impressed by how these guys are truly living up to the saying “It doesn’t get any easier, but you’ll get better.”  I’ve seen it with my own eyes in workouts and in CSAUP’s such as Palmetto, BR, and SM relays….guys pushing themselves and digging down deep to do what they could never do before…Pure. Joy.

YHC shared a simple lesson on wisdom from James 3:13. “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

As always, it was an honor to lead you men this morning.



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