QIC:  Two Stroke

0515hrs- the pax gathered on the square in preparation of the great Fish Camp Dump Run. YHC named this run before it actually happened, not knowing how fitting it would later become.

0517hrs- shared some ideas and thoughts for the near future (adding another evening to SoCal, planning another CSUAP ruck event, etc..)

0519hrs- COT talked about time, past present and future, and how we should manage our energy and thoughts to take full advantage of the now, the present.  Not to let our past hold us down, and not to get so caught up in the future that we lose today. Lose the opportunities that are before us now.  Yesterdays are gone, tomorrow will come, and we are here in today. Rejoice and be glad in it. AYE!

0524hrs- Prayer. continue to remember Udder and family, we lift up the Owens family, all those who have injuries, all who are traveling, and always for our communities.

0526hrs- And were off. We made our way to Day 3 church passing Captains Galley there and back (Fish Camp). Worked our way back to town and headed to the ball field behind Concord  Baptist (The Dump for those that don’t know). Banjo lost a sleeve at the Dump. Just saying. Made the turnaround and meandered our way back through and around town to cover 5 miles. Learned that Cropduster tore his ACL sliding into 2nd playing church softball in ’96. Career ending. I know that Banjo owns a new sleeveless shirt. I was there. It was a fun 5 miles.

0611hrs- We are done. Time for work. Crop took off for a few more miles.  All about the Tuna, Baby.

Over and Out

Two Stroke



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