QIC:  Goodwill

Warm up

Side Straddle Hops

Michael Phelps- His arm swinging warm-up before swimming

Slow windmills

Finkle Swings-Swing one leg at a time to stretch hip flexors

Laying Cross Leg Pulls

Partner Blocks

PAX partner up and each group has 1 block.

Group will answer questions at each station…  a missed question = punishment

PAX with block lunge walks while PAX without block Bear Crawls to first marker.  Switch at Second Marker

Run up Stadium hill ½ way 20 LBCS/Curls for the Girls x150

Missed Question Bernie Sandershill

Mosey to Parking Lot

Parking Lot Run/Bench Press x300

Missed Question Stair Runs x3

Mosey Back to Stadium Hill

PAX jogs to wall, 10 mountain climbers + 5 itsy bitsy spiders/ Curls x150    

Missed Question Australian Style

Mosey to Side Parking Lot

PAX on his 6 ABCs his full name/Shoulder Press x150/Squat x150 (only did 100 squats due to time)

Missed Question Full ABCs

Return Blocks

Mosey for Yoga time.

Downward Dog                                                                      Downward dog Leg lift

Upward Facing Dog Thighs off ground                                 Swing leg

Downward Dog                                                                      Warrior Poses

Hop forward                                                                           Triangle

Chair                                                                                       Runners pose

Upward dog                                                                           Repeat other Leg


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

We need to labor together for if one falls, the other is there to lift up his companion.

Great work today men, you all showed the 300 and Leonidas just how strong the men of the Den have become in such a short time.

2 New FNG’s, welcome Gadget and Elmer to the F3 Nation!

Goodwill out!



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