QIC:  Udder Butter

Today was all good.  Up on time, constitution in balance, reviewed the route and had WOD figured out.  All was good, but was running a bit late.  On my way I get a call from Crop…..but no one on the line.  Figure he is worrying with a bunch of PAX waiting on the steps to see if I remembered it was my Q.  When I arrive it is Banjo only and no Crop (nor anyone else- and the wind is blowing suspiciously).

Turns out Crop has also told Banjo he is late and will catch up.  Being only the two of us waiting, we decide we can wait on Crop.  He would have waited on us.  When he arrives, we are wondering about the weather.  There is a red blob on my radar wandering aimlessly around GF and we hear some thunder and feel some drops.  We decide to do the COT under the overhang because standing in the rain is like being a stupid turkey which will drown if you let them (from my dad’s childhood farm stories).

So we count off and do Nameorama (1, 2 and 3- that didn’t take long).  Then I explain that I have not been praying enough lately and God led me to sing all four stanzas of “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”.  We had time because we were waiting out the lightening.  We had some heavy prayer burdens to lift up today too.  John Paquin (near end of life issues/surgeries), Banjo’s daughter to make wise decisions, my father’s continued failing health and a praise for a friend of a friend’s mother making a miraculous recovery from life support- she was ready to leave but has something left to do on this earth I guess.  After we “weighted” each others burdens and lifted them in prayer, we decided it was now or never.  No further signs of lightening bolts, so we trusted Crop who said “it was safe” and he was ready.

I entitled the route “To Hill or Be Hilled” because I tried to make it a hilly course, feeling those that normally run would want a challenge, but that I would end up struggling in around the 3 mile mark.  As it turned out, we had a relaxing 3 man run, and just when we topped the “Tater Hell Hill” I told the boys to go on without me (‘leave me a gun and I will hold them off while you escape”), but those friends would have nothing of that.  They walked with me for a few yards until I could catch my breath.  They were waiting for me.  As you can see, there was a lot of waiting/weighting going on today at Slingblade.  Isn’t that what a good friendship is all about!!!!!!

I’m not even going to give you the route because that is unimportant to today’s run.  You can find it on Map my Run if you care or contact me directly. Will you wait for it?



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