Warm-Up SSH ICx15 ATT ICx15 ABAGODAS ICx15 Little Arm Circle ICx15 Rev LAC ICx15 Monkey Humpers ICx15 Smurf Jacks x15 Pickle Pounders x15   Workout partner exercise – Partner Up and 1 partner planks while the other is doing Merkins on their back x15 Run the hill in front of […]
COT – at Stargate we begin with the COT.  Cropduster read from Mark 8 – a passage that’s been on his mind for awhile.  In this passage Jesus asked his disciples this question:  “Who do YOU say that I am?”.  Peter answered “The Messiah”.  My encouragement to the PAX would […]
It’s been a while since YHC has had a Q, so naturally I was excited to see my name back in the saddle to lead the PAX of Hickory, NC in a early morning beatdown. Before we get into today’s workout, however, I feel it’s necessary to give an overview […]