So the big scuttlebutt before we started had to do with the long awaited return of the beloved Beaker. Beaker has been out for several weeks due to a calf injury sustained during the grueling church basketball league. Now for the Thang: Warm-O-Rama: Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC Alternating […]
Well the gloom wasn’t so prominent on this morning as we were blessed with an early sunrise/sunlight.  However, as the other Pax were in bed or getting ready for the 300, this Q was out on the soccer field laying out the 4 Corner Escalator exercises. Yes, this Q is quite […]
The Mount is a newer AO and most of the PAX who post here are also newer to F3. You might think the PAX here are a group of semi-committed, part timing rookies. They are not. The Mount launched back in November and the attendance and enthusiasm has held strong […]