Words that you never want to hear, “You’re going to hate me, but…” especially at 5:30AM! YHC may have been guilty of uttering that phrase more than once this morning at THE MOUNT while channeling my inner ‘Tony Horton’. I will admit, my arms are pretty sore, so mark-up any […]
So I was actually supposed to be the Q Thursday at Hurler; but Snips had a baby and thought that was a reasonable excuse to need to switch Q’s. I will let you decide. (Congrats, by the way to Snips and his M!) So, at any rate, it was a joy […]
Quick warmup: SSH x 15 IC ATT x 10 IC Mosey to parking lot across the street from Hatch. 10 Burpees 15 Merkins in the Dry Cleaner parking lot 20 American Hammers on steps of First Baptist 25 Squats at corner of 4th street and 1st ave, back to first […]